Training- Evidence Based
Evidence based training is comprised of a series of workshops with topics and content tailored to your specific organizational needs and schedule. Although some workshop content may be derived from our traditional public offerings (found on the workshop description page), additional workshop content may be developed after initial consultation.
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All workshops are developed under the ASDIC Model for Transformation
ASDIC Metamorphosis
Antiracist transformation, we believe, results from
1. Purpose driven objectives that determine the content of the curriculum,
2. Evidenced based practices of dialogue and facilitation,
3. A philosophy of education that values reflection, critical analysis, emotional expression, and the transfer of learning into an action plan (praxis)
4. A community (circle) of participants open to learning and being transformed by what they learn, evidenced in new ways of thinking and acting, first within the circle and then in other relationships and contexts,
5. A dialogue culture that communicates respect and acceptance, compassion and empathy
But these factors must take the particularity of the participants themselves into account, for, there is a factor of readiness that must be named and addressed.
Our experience tells us that we can offer the possibility of a transformative experience to those who come to the circle as a free choice – not coerced, who are willing and able to re-evaluate what they have come to know as truth and reality, and who are able to at least entertain the notion that certain particulars about the world may be different from how they imagined them to be. The ASDIC dialogue circle does not work for individuals or groups who are absolutely convinced their understanding of the world or their reading of history is certain truth, is above critique.
Transformation is possible!